
Showing posts from August, 2019

Oral presentation rubric

Oral presentation rubric for 12th grades.
23 August 2019. Who am I? Poem  Rubric: Students will create a poem about themselves using their creativity. Adjectives ( words that describes) are encouraged to be used in order to create the poem. Also other topics like:  -superheroes -food -animals -yourself -school - etc. the poem will be evaluated  following this rubric: Date: 27 August 2019. - 5 pts. 10 sentences- 2 pts each (20 pts.) reading in class -10 pts. cleanliness of homework - 5 pts. total: 40 pts.

ESL Creed

ESL Creed I believe in myself and my ability to do my best. Just for today with a positive attitude: I will listen. I will think. I will speak. I will read. I will write. I will reason. I will dream big. I will do all these things with one purpose in mind: to prepare myself for college and not waste this day.  For this day will come no more. I promise to make this day count.

Classroom rules school year 2019-2020

Classroom rules: No cell phones in the classroom. Be on time. Bring an excuse when absent. Student will be responsible of the work assigned when he/she is absent. Computers will be allowed only for educational purposes only. Eating is not permitted during regular instruction periods,on special occasions this rule will be amended.  Respect your peers. Call your classmate by its name. Always conduct yourself in accordance with school rules and sports ethics. Be a Team player. Clarify any doubt before leaving the classroom.
09 August 2019. Dear students and parents: It is with great pleasure that I will teach the English subject during this school year. The main purpose of my teaching goals for this new semester, is to first,get to know you  and try to identify your needs according to the Department of Education curriculum and standards. Being a member of this school makes your journey even more challenging due to the responsibilities you have with the sport you practice and your academic challenges. This should not be an obstacle for you to reach your goals,it will serve as motivation to reach the highest standards of education and in sport. Remember it takes discipline,effort and good mental attitude to go after your dreams! Best regards, Sharon M. Acosta Martinez English Teacher