Advanced English / Research Paper
Advanced English Students:
You were given the chance to freely select the topic of your Research paper, you will work on your paper during this week, we will not meet on friday,since I will be attending the TESOL annual convention. You will have plenty of time to work on your paper.
The following requisites needs to be met: 06 November 2019.
Times New Roman
8x11 paper
I. Presentation (overall) (5 pts.)
II. Thesis statement (10 pts.)
III. Definition of concepts (10)
IV. Introduction (10 pts.)
V. Body ( 30 pts.)
Grammar, Punctuation and organization of ideas will be evaluated.
* you must include an example of methods and findings in your research (graphs,questionnaires,etc.)
*more than three paragraphs
VI. Conclusion (15 pts.)
VII. Bibliography (20 pts)
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