Cause and effect test (12th grades 2,3,4)

The following test will be turned in on 5th march 2020: 

I .Read the following story and give five(5) examples of cause and effect. (2 pts. each)

At school last week, I sat next to a girl who was coughing. Since it’s winter, everyone coughs and we cover our mouths. This helps us avoid spreading germs. However, the moment I got home, I knew those germs had gotten to me. My head was pounding. My mom checked my temperature. Sure enough, I had a fever. I coughed, my throat hurt, and I had the chills. I was sick.

Since I was showing signs of the flu, my dad declared that I would be staying home from school until I got better. I was disappointed because I had a science test the next day, and I didn’t want to miss it. I went to bed early that night, which was fine with me. This sickness made me feel terrible.
I stayed home from school the next day. Since I couldn’t stay home alone while being so sick, my dad missed work. He took me to the doctor where it was confirmed that I had the flu. The doctor directed me to get a lot of rest, drink fluids, and take some medicine.

While I napped, my dad tried to work from home. I slept for most of the day because my body was so exhausted. When I woke up, I tried to study for my science test. I knew my teacher would want me to take the test as soon as I returned to school. However, my eyes felt drowsy and I couldn’t stay awake long enough to do any good studying. At that moment, resting was more important that studying.

After three days home from school, I finally felt better and my parents let me return to my classroom. My friends smiled as they saw me walk in the door. My teacher asked how I was feeling. I told them I was feeling much better, and that the flu is not a fun time! They laughed.
During science class, my teacher, Mrs. Jenkins, gave me the science test I had missed earlier in the week. She sent me into another classroom to complete it while my class went over the answers together. I knew I was going to have a lot of makeup work from being absent for a few days, but at least I was feeling healthy enough to complete it! 


Cause ----------> _____________________ Effect-------->______________________.

II. True or False. Read each statement and answer if they are true or false. (2 pts. each)

___1. According to the story spreading germs are the cause of being sick.

___2. The first part of the story develops at home.

___3. It was mom decision to stay at home.

___4. Sickness made him feel terrible, meaning he was happy.

___5. The doctor confirmed he had the flu.

___6. He was tired,so he can not study.

___7. He was out of school for four days.

___8. He was sad that the flu was gone.

___9. Mr. Jenkins was the name of the teacher.

___10. The teacher kept the student in the classroom to take the test.

III. Match the word with the correct meaning: (2 points each)

___1. competent                                                      a. imagine what it looks like.

___2. emphasis                                                         b. imitate,copy.

___3.emulate                                                            c. exactness or accuracy.

___4. enhance                                                          d. hard to notice.

___5. precision                                                         e. make better or improve.

___6. subtle                                                              f. capable and qualified.

___7.  vary                                                               g. special attention or importance.

___8. visualize                                                         h. to be different.


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