
New Assignment for both 7th and 12th graders

Greetings Students! Once more I hope you are taking care of yourselves and your family, as you know we will not meet and this assignment will be part of the evaluation process. For 12th graders: The Back Story 1. select a popular song and write a short back story about it. 2. you will write two paragraphs (10 sentence each) essay about the song story. 3. include the song lyrics with your work. 4. work value is 50 points. For 7th graders Song as a story 1. select a popular song and write your own story about what do you think the song is trying to tell. 2. you will write a 15 sentence paragraph short story. 3. include the song lyrics with your work. value is 50 points. deadline is 22 April 2020. Ms. Acosta

7th grade work

Hi, hope everything is going well with all of you. As a way for you to work during this time i want you to document information about this global health emergency and how are you working at home to avoid being contaminated. This work is for you to reflect on this emergency,how it changed the way you see life and what can you do about it? Later on I will give you a date to turn in your work. Best wishes, Ms. Acosta

Journals for 12th graders

Hi, hope everything is going well with all of you! As reminder the modules sent for you to complete,we will get a date that you can comply with. But the reason I'm writing this new post is for you to write about your experience during this time. Use your Journal as a form of relaxation tool and put into your own words the way you deal with the global health emergency. I will let you know when you will turn in this work. Your priority is to be safe. my best , Ms. Acosta

Modulos 7mo y 12mo

Buenos Dias, Durante el dia de hoy se estará enviando los módulos de mis grupos 7mo y 12mo, favor verificar su correo electrónico o de sus padres o encargados.

7th grade oral presentation

 7th grade students: Based on the story read in class, The Challenge, you will find a story about an athlete that had to overcome an obstacle or challenge in order to be successful in his/her sport and you will present it in class. Oral presentation will be evaluated as follows: Presentation given date assigned- 10 pts. posture and body language- 10 pts. time (10 min. max) -10 pts. Keep the attention of audience -10 pts. Audience participation -10 pts. * You ca write notes on an index card for your presentation. Work will be turned in on 8x11 paper with cover ,it can be computer or manuscript (readable). any questions you can contact me.

Investigate to report orally (12-1) Advanced English

 Good evening students, As previously discussed, I want you to research on the use of facial gestures in order to conduct investigations (police,psychologically,etc.) Be ready to report: * Title of investigation * How the study of facial gestures help on the investigation? (Proof) * Do you think is reliable the study of facial gestures? * What kind of impact this study will have if they’re used in criminal cases? Give an example. Be ready for 10 minute presentation. Prepare your work on 8 x11 paper,it can be computer or manuscript ,readable. Any questions see me tomorrow. *as a hint you can look for some investigations samples on Academic google: facial expressions to investigate.

Cause and effect test (12th grades 2,3,4)

The following test will be turned in on 5th march 2020:  I .Read the following story and give five(5) examples of cause and effect. (2 pts. each) At school last week, I sat next to a girl who was coughing. Since it’s winter, everyone coughs and we cover our mouths. This helps us avoid spreading germs. However, the moment I got home, I knew those germs had gotten to me. My head was pounding. My mom checked my temperature. Sure enough, I had a fever. I coughed, my throat hurt, and I had the chills. I was sick. Since I was showing signs of the flu, my dad declared that I would be staying home from school until I got better. I was disappointed because I had a science test the next day, and I didn’t want to miss it. I went to bed early that night, which was fine with me. This sickness made me feel terrible. I stayed home from school the next day. Since I couldn’t stay home alone while being so sick, my dad missed work. He took me to ...